James Nguyen

James Nguyen

Full Stack Software Engineer


About Me

Hi, I'm James Nguyen. Born in Ottawa, grew up in Windsor Ontario. I'm a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces. My military occupation was a Naval Warfare Officer in the Navy. Recently moved to Seattle, Washington to work at Amazon. I love working with new technology.

My area of interest in computer science leans towards Algorithms and Data Structures, Web Development, Scalability/Optimizations and Machine Learning. A few things that I've been interested in lately:

    Machine learning
  • Using neural networks for image processing
  • Learning more about algorithms and data structures

Latest Projects

project name


Social media platform inspired by Twitter. Built using Ruby on Rails. See live demo here

View sourecode on github Here

project name

Message Board

Message board built using PHP, javascript, MySQL, HTML, and CSS. Everything was built from the ground up.

Live demo Here

Core features:

  • Password Recovery
  • Admin features (deleting posts/banning users)
  • Searching
  • Autocomplete on forms

Code on Github

project name


Simple blog where I post my projects, random thoughts, and computer science stuff. Written in rails. Uploaded to herokuapp here

Code on Github

project name

URI Shortener

URI Shortener done with Ruby on Rails. Takes in an user inputted string, checks if the string is indeed a uri. Stores it into the database and outputs to the user a base 36 hash of the uri id. When the user attempts to visit the uri, user is redirected to the original inputted string. If no protocol was given in original string, http:// is prepended to the uri. Uploaded on herokuapp here

Code on Github

project name


Local checkers game. The core game is built on javascript. The UI is built using Ruby on Rails.

Features to implement:

  • Improved UI
  • Matching making system

Code on Github

project name

Sudoku Solver

Written in C. Preforms a recursive backtracking algorithm to find a solution to the puzzle.

Features to include:

  • Refactor code
  • User interface on some front-end (either web or mobile)

Code on Github

Work Experience

Software Development Engineer - Amazon July 2019 - Present

Software Developer - Epic Systems (August 2018 - May 2019)

Worked on module for emergency departments. Created extension to push out notifications to physicians and nurses based on events. Created a web activity that allows physicians to track shifts.

Software Engineer II - Phreesia (June 2017 - July 2018)

Worked on multiple web APIs as microservices within a service oriented architecture to securely store encrypted medical information. Ensure API can handle heavy loads of traffic by scaling out with redis and mongodb. Developed and deployed a stand alone application to facilitate financial reconciliation between Phreesia financial information and a practice's financials.

Software Engineer Intern - Pillr (May 2016 - August 2016)

Worked on a linked data platform for resource management system. Provides a network of standards-based, machine-readable data across the web. Built framework and container from the ground up from scratch using PHP.

Software Engineer Intern - Progressive Software (January 2016 - May 2016)

Design and develop desktop applications for clients related to database management systems. Worked towards bringing desktop application to web-based cloud application. Refactored legacy code to make code more maintainable and easier to read for future developers.